When you are no longer able to make decisions regarding your business or finances, you can designate someone to make those decisions on your behalf. Such authorization is done through a legal document known as a power of attorney, and the person you appoint is known...
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Probate & Estate Planning
Most important documents you need when planning your estate
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Sep 9, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
Estate planning in Georgia is easier than you might think. It allows you to take control over your estate and ensure that your wishes are met. You can also decide who will inherit your property and assets once you’ve passed away. There are a few documents you need for...
Estate planning for same-sex couples
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jul 15, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
When it comes to estate planning, same-sex couples in Georgia typically have all of the same concerns that opposite-sex couples do. Every couple must consider who will inherit their assets and how those assets will be dispersed. If a couple has children, planning for...
What are the various parts of a complete estate plan?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jul 6, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
Most people have a vague idea that they should write a will at some point in their life. But a will is just one piece of a well-rounded and complete estate plan. If you want to play it safe with your assets for the benefit of the most important people in your life,...
What happens when a will isn’t valid?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jun 30, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
Someone concerned about his or her spouse, children and other loved ones may spend significant time writing a will. The testator may not realize, however, that a Georgia court could deem a particular will invalid. An invalid last will and testament would carry no...
Are there advantages to probate?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jun 25, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
You may have been hearing many bad things about probate. Estate planning advocates seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to keep you out of it. However, should Georgia residents really worry about it? On the other hand, should they incorporate it in your estate...
There are multiple wills that you can choose from
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jun 24, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
In most cases, a person creates what is known as a testamentary will to articulate his or her final wishes. However, there are actually several types of wills that might be recognized by a Georgia probate court. An estate planning attorney may be able to provide more...
Facts to know about contesting a will
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Apr 17, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
Georgia residents who have recently experienced the death of a loved one may believe that the deceased person's will is inaccurate. In order to legally invalidate the will, a person will need to do what is called contesting it. Contesting is a special type of lawsuit...
3 important benefits of managing your estate through a trust
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Mar 13, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
Leaving your estate to heirs after you pass away is important, so it's wise to ensure that someone is properly managing your estate. If you're unsure how to manage your Georgia estate, creating a trust can be a great decision. With that in mind, here are three...
Estate planning mistakes to watch out for
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jan 11, 2021 | Probate & Estate Planning
One of the biggest estate planning errors that people in Georgia can make is failing to have a plan at all, but unfortunately, there are other mistakes that can leave them and their loved ones with just as little protection. For example, some people create a trust but...
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