While divorce takes an emotional toll, most Georgia couples will also face financial consequences after their split. Navigating those consequences can be tricky as you may have no idea what you will face. A certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA) can help you...
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Family Law
Is it time to modify the child support order?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Mar 9, 2022 | Family Law
When a couple that shares a child divorces, the court may order the non-custodial parent to make child support payments to the custodial parent. Child support payments are meant to cover the child’s food, clothing, healthcare and other needs. A child support order is...
Is your co-parent being unreasonable?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Feb 21, 2022 | Family Law
Parenting children with your ex after you split up is sometimes a difficult journey. While you both want what’s best for the kids, you might be unable to work together. This is especially difficult if your ex is being unreasonable. There are several things that you...
How do I make co-parenting work after divorce?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jan 21, 2022 | Family Law
When a relationship has deteriorated beyond repair, the couple involved may decide to seek divorce. However, while the divorce might signal the end of the romantic relationship, it is important to understand that “it is never over” if there are children involved. One...
Divorcing a narcissist in Georgia
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jan 14, 2022 | Family Law
Going through a divorce in Georgia is difficult for anyone, but the process can be more challenging when divorcing a narcissistic person who always wants to be in control. To protect your sanity and help you get what you deserve, here are some things to keep in mind...
What happens to a couples’ debts after divorce in Georgia?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Dec 13, 2021 | Family Law
Marriage is meant to be a lifetime commitment which is why couples get into long-term debts like mortgages. But what happens when they decide to go separate ways? Without a repayment agreement between you and your former spouse, divorce can interfere with your...
How your divorce can dictate when you retire
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Sep 28, 2021 | Family Law
A few years ago, researchers with Boston College's Center for Retirement Research set out to understand what impact a person's decision to divorce might have on their ability to retire. The researchers determined that a worker who chooses to end their marriage as they...
A postnuptial agreement can be a powerful divorce tool
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Sep 1, 2021 | Family Law
Relationships often go through phases: dating, engagement, a honeymoon period, married life, conflict and divorce. Divorce can come with a myriad of considerations such as children, assets and spousal support. Prenuptial agreements are a great proactive approach to...
Is gray divorce set to rise?
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Aug 17, 2021 | Family Law
Divorce is less popular than it once was. The exception is divorce among the over 50s, which has doubled over the last twenty years. Some predict it will increase further due to events of the past year. Many people received a harsh reminder they will not live forever...
Dividing retirement assets in a divorce
On Behalf of Coleman, Chambers & Rogers, LLP | Jul 14, 2021 | Family Law
One of the hardest parts of divorcing for most Georgia residents is dividing their assets and liabilities. Tallying up their properties and debts can bring up a lot of old wounds for a couple as they are reminded of what they've accomplished and what has gone...
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